Francesco Urbano Ragazzi
An exhibition is a format of AGORA in which each meeting is dedicated to narrating an exhibition project that has particularly affected the professional path of the invited curators.

Itō Jakuchū, Bodhidharma, painting on silk, Edo period (XVIII sec.)
The space of art is the field of the search for happiness, an open field where images are forms of life and survival. This is the premise of Happiness. A Survival Guide for Art and Life, the inaugural exhibition of the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo (2003). Curated by David Elliott and Pier Luigi Tazzi, this initiatory gesture brought together a world of researchers of happiness between East and West, ancient and contemporary, arcadia, nirvana, desire and paradise. Francesco Urbano Ragazzi tells us about it in an attempt to trace, among other things, an eccentric genealogy of Italian curatorship.
Francesco Urbano Ragazzi is a curatorial duo founded in Paris in 2008. Since 2018 they have been the director of the Chiara Fumai Archive. In 2015 they founded The Internet Saga, an itinerant project that moves between institutional spaces of art and places of reality. Recent exhibitions include Kenneth Goldsmith, Hillary: The Hillary Clinton Emails, in conjunction with the Venice Biennale 2019 and Jonas Mekas, It All Came Back to Me in Brief Glimpses, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Seoul 2018.
The encounter will take place in the Auditorium.
Free admission but reservation required: