Manuale infallibile di pittura en plein air
Book Launch and screening of En plein air
With CANEMORTO, Antonio Grulli, Daniela Collu
On 22 November 2023, the trio of artists CANEMORTO, accompanied by the author and translator Daniela Collu and the critic and curator Antonio Grulli, present the new book Manuale infallibile di pittura en plein air. Published by NERO Editions in collaboration with SpazioC21, the manual is a guide filled with ironic and irreverent practical expedients and theoretical recommendations for the making of unassailable paintings, with the aim of altering the course of art history.

The presentation will be followed by the screening of the video En plein air directed by Marco Proserpio, written and portrayed by CANEMORTO. This medium-length autobiographical film narrates the adventures of three artists plagued by debts, who decide to enter a provincial competition of “en plein air” painting, hoping to win the prize money. Obviously the exploit does not go according to plan…
The screening takes place in the sala cinema. After the event, in the museum bookshop, visitors can meet the artists and books will be signed.
Free entrance.
CANEMORTO is a trio of anonymous Italian artists, active since 2007. They wear masks, speak an unknown language, and worship a canine deity called Txakurra, spreading this mysterious cult through “six-handed” works using the most diverse media.
CANEMORTO has shown his work in solo exhibitions at Museo TAM (Matera), MATTA (Milan), Spazio C21 (Reggio Emilia), Centre Culturel Jean-Cocteau (Paris), Litografia Bulla (Rome), Studio Cromie (Grottaglie), Kapow (Ghent), Viafarini (Milan); has been involved in group exhibitions, performances and screenings in galleries and institutions including MARCA (Catanzaro Museum of Arts), Artmossphere Biennale (Moscow), Triennale (Milan), Museo Etnografico del Friuli (Udine), Galleria Varsi (Rome), Palazzo Fazzari (Catanzaro), Encore (Brussels), USF Verftet (Bergen), Above Second Gallery (Hong Kong), V9 Gallery (Warszawa), Urban Spree (Berlin), TOLK Gallery (Nizhny Novgorod) and FIFTY24MX Gallery (Mexico City).