Gino De Dominicis, D’io
with Giuseppe Garrera
A Work is a format of AGORA developed in collaboration with Giuseppe Garrera, in which the musicologist, art historian and collector will analyse philologically an art work of his choice for each meeting.

La fiera Letteraria – Settimanale d’informazione culturale no. 25, 18 June 1972, pag 8.

Gino De Dominicis, 2a soluzione di immortalità (l’universo è immobile), 1972. Gino De Dominicis’ ersonal room, central pavilion of Castello, XXXVI International Biennial of Art in Venice, contact test. Courtesy Giuseppe Garrera Collection. Ph. Enrico Cattaneo.

Gino De Dominicis, 2a soluzione di immortalità (l’universo è immobile), 1972. Gino De Dominicis’ ersonal room, central pavilion of Castello, XXXVI International Biennial of Art in Venice, contact test. Courtesy Giuseppe Garrera Collection. Ph. Enrico Cattaneo.
8 June 1972, Venice Biennale. Gino De Dominicis’ room is closed. The artist risks lynching. The Carabinieri also intervene. “Hall of shame”, “exhibition of horrors”, “bestial art”, the newspapers headline: a “mongoloid” put on display, the sign of the swastika on a wall, a deafening laugh of mockery to welcome visitors. Never has art fallen so low. The Magistracy must take its course. But what had Gino De Dominicis exhibited? What happened? What was there to laugh about?
Giuseppe Garrera has been the scientific coordinator of the Master in Economics and Management of Art and Cultural Heritage at 24ORE Business School in Rome since 2013.
The encounter will take place in the Auditorium.
Free admission but reservation required: booking@museomacro.it