La scuola ha riaperto come dopo una nevicata
A project by Sara Leghissa in collaboration with Short Theatre
La scuola ha riaperto come dopo una nevicata is a visual self-inquiry project carried out with the students from some Italian institutions during and after the pandemic. A series of meetings aimed at schools to talk about what has happened in these years of (partially) denied right to education; about the absence of bodies and sociality, about pest hunts, loneliness, fear, domestication and digital devices. But also of dreams, unforeseen transformations and collective strategies of survival.

Credits Marioandrea Barbantini and Elisabetta Bellone

Credits Marioandrea Barbantini and Elisabetta Bellone

Credits Marioandrea Barbantini and Elisabetta Bellone
Commissioned by the Fondazione Lazzaretto in Milan and born out of a meeting with some students from Milan high schools in 2020, the public poster project was then exhibited at the Centro Pecci di Prato, the Fondazione Sandretto in Turin and the Leoncavallo social center in Milan for Contatto – Pratiche di resistenza e liberazione per la salute mentale e oltre. The production of posters continued through meetings and conversations that took place with some students from the Gramsci Keynes high school in Prato, the Busoni e Vanghetti middle schools in Empoli, the Albe Steiner institute in Turin, the Chiabrera-Martini high school in Savona, and the CHE collective from the Vittorini high school in Milan in 2021 and 2022, becoming spokespeople for personal and collective experiences even after the pandemic and bringing the words of the students into public space through authorized and unauthorized posters.
The project will be presented in Rome within the educational program of MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, in spring 2023 and will be divided into two moments.
In April 2023, during school hours, two discursive/laboratory meetings will be held at the museum’s educational classrooms with a fourth or fifth grade class of a high school located in the outskirts of Rome.
In the same month, two more meetings will be held, this time in the afternoon, also in the museum’s spaces, targeting mixed students from a classical or scientific high school in Rome located in the city center. Students from this second school will join on a voluntary basis by responding to a call, and the project will take place during extracurricular hours. This dual mode of adherence helps to create a mixed participation in terms of both the ages and dynamics of the community involved.
Finally, in September 2023, on the occasion of Short Theatre, posters will be displayed that enclose sentences extracted from the reflections that emerged with the stundents. The posters will be posted on some bulletin boards in the public space of the city of Rome and on the museum terrace.