Petra Blaisse
This content is part of the new digital section of the museum called VIRIDITAS, created to offer the public a tool to enrich their gaze towards the climate change.

If you ask me, personally, what I start to miss because of climate change, my first reaction is that I miss the cold winters here in The Netherlands, in which nature turns still, becomes an all black-and-white world with muted sounds, a flat landscape with graphic figures of trees, cattle, birds and humans, like paper cut-outs; human figures sliding over narrow creeks, black mirroring ponds and lakes, their breath white clouds dissolving, colourful caps, small stalls selling hot chocolate; city canals covered in ice, people skating, children gliding, holding on to the back of chairs, laughing; gardens covered in a soft white blanket, lace-like branches covered in twinkling snow under a bright shining moon, cushions of snow on pine trees falling off under the warm sun rays, animal tracks on snow-covered ground, tree profiles black against bright blue, turning to white skies, grasses frozen in motion; air bubbles under the transparent ice crust, here-and-there frozen fish like golden jewels frozen in time…
Petra Blaisse is experienced in a multitude of creative areas, including interior design, landscape architecture, exhibition and textile design. Her background in artistic craft and the applied arts brought her in 1978 to work for the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam at the department of Applied Arts. From 1986 onwards, Blaisse create installations for exhibitions throughout the world, working also with the famous architectural firm OMA. In 1991 she founded Inside Outside, a studio specialized in the combination of interior and exterior design and of architecture and landscape, working in close collaboration with teams of renowned architects, botanists and gardeners, engineers, artists, and textile manufacturers worldwide.