A selection of editions and publications related to the shows and projects exhibited in my spaces, produced since the start of the three-year programme and available for purchase. For further information or to order a publication through our bookshop, please contact libreria.macro@palaexpo.it
Post Scriptum. A museum forgotten by heart
Post Scriptum. A museum forgotten by heart
Franco Mazzucchelli, Quadreria 2050
Reba Maybury, Più veloce di un’erezione, 2023
Lisa Ponti, Io sono un disegno, 2023, 41,80€
Cinzia Ruggeri: Cinzia Says…, 2022, 50€
Nathalie Du Pasquier, RO-SÈ: A book as a bridge, 2022, 30€
Federico Antonini, Simplifying my library Episodes of Backward Shelving, 2021, 17.25€
VIER5, Monograph – Retrospective 2021, 38€
The Book Club, 2021
Anna Franceschini, GINKO QUANTO SEI STRONZO, 2020, 30€
Reba Maybury with a poem by Cassandra Troyan, Faster Than An Erection, 2021, 10£
Diego Marcon, Oh mio cagnetto, 2018-2020, 13€
Lawrence Weiner, Tracce / Traces, Edizione limitata 2020, 29€
Editorial, a cura di Luca Lo Pinto, 2021, 17,10€