Untitled, (The Offing)
Giorgio Di Noto joins the RETROFUTURE section, the collection of works by young Italian artists growing organically with time.

Giorgio Di Noto, Senza titolo, from the series The Offing, 2020. Inkjet print on blacklight support mounted on lightbox. Courtesy the artist. On the walls: Giovanna Silva, Catabasi, 2020. Print on pvc.Courtesy the artist. MACRO 2021.Ph. Agnese Bedini and Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio.

Giorgio Di Noto, Senza titolo, from the series The Offing, 2020. Inkjet print on blacklight support mounted on lightbox. Courtesy the artist. On the walls: Giovanna Silva, Catabasi, 2020. Print on pvc.Courtesy the artist. MACRO 2021.Ph. Agnese Bedini and Melania Dalle Grave, DSL Studio.
Giorgio Di Noto explores the distance between ethics and aesthetics with two lightboxes from the series The Offing (2020): their images, which initially seem pleasant and familiar, turn out to have been made by ISIS terrorists.
GIORGIO DI NOTO (Rome, 1990) lives in Rome, where he works and teaches. Since 2011 he has concentrated on materials, processes and languages of photography. His first solo show, Sulla distanza delle immagini, took place in 2018 at Matèria Gallery, Rome. Group shows include: Raconte-moi une histoire: la jeune photographie italienne, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Paris (2019); Metafotografia. Dentro e oltre il medium nell’arte contemporanea, BACO, Bergamo (2019). His first book The Arab Revolt was mentioned in Phaidon’s The Photobook. A History Vol. III. In 2017 he published the book The Iceberg (Edition Patrick Frey), which received a special mention for the Author’s Book Award at Rencontres d’Arles and was nominated for the Prix Bob Calle du livre d’artiste.